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Respect opinions, spread love!

In a world full of millions we all are different. Every single person is different from the other. We agree to others on some points but we might disagree on some parts too. This is natural. But the differences are getting toxic these days. The differences in opinions are creating distances between people. The variety of thoughts is leading to the misconception of considering the other side as your foe. No wonder, why so many people dislike or hate others. This kind of approach and behavior in life is a saddened way to choose. We need to understand this.

If you like something and someone you know doesn’t like it, that does not mean that he is against you. That just means that he has a different school of thought. Maybe you too will agree to what they say or think if you get into their shoes or they too might like your opinion more if they get into yours. We all have different lives, we all have been through different stages, we all are raised differently. Your choices and concepts of one thing were derived by your experiences of it and those experiences are not necessarily gained by others too. If you think the other way around, the same goes for them too. Someone not agreeing to you doesn’t make them your enemy or your competitor. We should start taking differences positively and learn to respect others' opinions. You may dislike what others think or say but you should not hate them for doing so or for not following you. Everyone has their reasons, their choices, their decisions which may seem useless or improper to you but will workout correctly for them. Hating others just because they think and act differently is not a justified reason.

Because even if you find someone who agrees to you, value your choices and consider your opinions in many ways there will always be one if not many times when they will show variability. So will you start disliking or hating them too and start considering them jerks? If one keeps going like this then there’s no way possible that they will find someone perfectly compatible with them because there’s no way that two humans think exactly the same in all the matters. There will always be differences, the key is to compromise.

So dear mates, next time someone tells you they like pink color and hate your favorite color, black, don’t roll your eyes at them. Because thinking someone mad or getting irritated by them just because they have different choices doesn’t define you as a very good human. Always remember, nobody’s perfect, so are no one’s choices. Maybe the side of the coin you like isn’t as good as the other side which you think little of. Allow people to live their lives their way, let them have their decisions, respect their opinions if you want to be treated the same. Stop being insensitive and start being human. Because the law says, “what goes around, comes around “.

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